The growth and success of employees are among the priorities of Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) as these certainly reflect on the productivity, efficiency, and competence of the Authority. Given this, PRA ensures that targeted interventions and development opportunities are provided to all employees.

True to its commitment, a total of forty-eight (48) seminars and training were conducted last FY 2023, targeting various technical and soft skills, quality and team interventions, as well as products and services training. As for the first semester of FY 2024, a total of nine (9) training sessions were already held, participated by employees from different departments and divisions to continuously strengthen their skills and competencies appropriate to their job responsibilities and functions.

To cite some, all employees and Job Order Personnel of Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) recently underwent training for the Filipino Brand of Service Excellence (FBSE), in support of the program of Department of Tourism (DOT), on May 8 to 10, 2024 at the Valero Grand Suites, Makati City. The seminar guided the participants on the Filipino Brand approach of public service, which explored the importance of dealing with all sorts of clients at an exceptional level to cater their varying concerns.

The participants were also taught the G.U.E.S.T Steps to Service Excellence, emphasizing the strategies in handling any client concern or transaction that would translate to an excellent public service. In terms of challenges that were inevitable in any office, it's in these moments that the H.E.A.R.T of Service Recovery comes into play where empathy, understanding, and immediate effective actions are given to all concerned clients and stakeholders. Through application of these strategies, the public are better taken care of, complaints are easily avoided, and continuous improvement is maintained. At the end of the seminar, the employees of Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) were empowered to serve the public and embody the essence of a true Filipino Brand of Service Excellence.

Targeting a different set of areas, selected employees of the Authority attended the "Training the Trainers Training" by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) accredited institution, Council for the Restoration of Filipino Values, on May 22, 2024 via Zoom. This training was conducted to equip the participants on the duties and responsibilities of a certified Values Restoration Officer (VRO) within their respective agencies, especially in ingraining the Filipino core values into their daily work to foster a principled and honest environment geared towards a graft-free society. The training aimed to pass on these values to the rest of PRA employees through the initiatives and programs of the initially trained Values Restoration Officers (VROs).

Aside from these external seminars, the division also conducted its first session of the bi-annual onboarding and orientation for newly hired or reassigned employees on March 19, 2024. This was to provide PRA employees with the right knowledge on its programs, services, and CSC rules and regulations. The orientation also thoroughly discussed the flow of operations, specifically those that concerned the Financial Management Division (FMD), the product and services offered by the Authority– Special Resident Retiree’s Visa (SRRV), and the house rules that all employees must abide by, as mandated by the Authority. There was also an open discussion towards the end of the seminar where the participants raised their questions and concerns regarding the discussion conducted.

In conclusion, PRA ensures that the seminars provided were carefully and thoroughly selected; all of which are known to identify any knowledge or skill gaps, apply interventions targeting these gaps, improve workplace productivity, and increase the performance and efficiency of the entire Authority.